Fokker 100 flight simulator
Fokker 100 flight simulator is designed and built specially to meet the requirements of all types of aviation pilot training.
Fokker 100 Flight simulator feature modular construction of the cockpit/flight deck. This means that replacement of any module can be done by any technician. Replacement of a module simply requires shipment of the module to the client. The servers that power the flight simulator are in direct contact with EASCo.

Features of Sound SystemFeatures of Outside ViewFeatures of Instructor computerFeatures of Main Instruments PanelSpecifications
- Individual Engine Sounds
- Landing Gear Sounds
- Stall Warning
- Annunciation & Warnings
- Cockpit and System Sounds
- Day and Night Flights
- Rain, Snow, Cloudy and Clear Sky
- Sun and Moon Synchronized
- Airports of Cities of your choice
- Airport lights and taxi ways according to the chosen airport
- Creating Emergencies
- Position Freeze
- Flight Freeze
- Repositioning the Aircraft
- Saving Flights
- Controlling Wind Speed and Direction
- Radio Stations, Navaids, ILS … can be updated.
- All instruments are made by EAS Co.
- All Navigation Displays
- Primary Flight Displays
- Stand by Instruments
- Multi-function Displays.
Each simulator unit is consists of four computers:
- Outside View Computers
- Instructor Computer (center computer)
- Pedestal and Overhead Computer
- Main Instrument Panel Computer
- Sound system is controlled by pedestal computer